Sunday, November 9, 2008

Refer to

My profile only lists this blog. I haven't bothered to figure out how to change that to list my real blog (the one I actually post to) so you'll have to just come here and see this message and then go there. So go to to read my posts (probably almost everyone has already figured that out already, but sometimes I comment on blogs of cousins and friends who don't realize I've been reading their blogs and I assume they click on my name to figure out exactly who I am and here is where they end up).

Thursday, October 9, 2008

We've had a family website for a few years now, but lately it's so quirky that it frustraites me! First it must have been hacked and a trojan virus implanted, because Google blocked it and my computer wouldn't let me access it. This happened twice in the last few months. Now it has some issue where Zach claims he can access it from work, but I can't even view the page from home. The point is that I'm so frustraited by these issues that I don't know how to solve that I've given up on it completely. Why bother when we have this free option here on blogspot.